Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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In Person - Supervisors Forum - A Transpersonal Model of Supervision: Developing a Still Centre for Resilience as a Supervisor (11/11/23) CPDFREE Presenter: Sarah Hollwey Facilitator: Patrick Harraghy
Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire
11-11-2023   Registration : 10:00.a.m. - 16:00.p.m.
5 CPD hours
IACP Supervisors only

Places limited to150

Event fully booked and closed

In Person - Supervisors Forum - A Transpersonal Model of Supervision: Developing a Still Centre for Resilience as a Supervisor

Presenter's Bio: 

Sara Hollwey (C.Psychol.P.S.I; MIAHIP; MIACP; Dipl.PW) is a clinical
psychologist running Personal & Professional Development training in the School of Psychology at University College Dublin. She has a private practice with individuals, couples, families and groups. Sara runs trainings

She spent a number of year working in an Anthroposophical hospital in the UK, which aimed to extend mainstream Western medicine through complementary, spiritual principles. This holistic approach to health and well-being has continued to influence her through her training and work in psychology. She is the joint author with Jill Brierley of the book Building Intuitive Consciousness: The Inner Camino as an Existential Journey for a Rapidly Changing World,
Transpersonal Press:2020, and they run a series of supervision and leadership trainings based on this transpersonal model.

Event Outline : 

This Supervisors Forum is suitable for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of supervision in terms of supporting reflective practice and self-care, both from the perspective of being a supervisor and supervisee. In a
transpersonal supervision model the aim is to build an insightful overview that is not from the ordinary ego.

This develops our own reflective capacity to view our work from the biggest, wisest perspective.Working from a transpersonal perspective allows us to access a compassionate and expanded state, a ‘still centre’, that can do much to build resilience. This is important in order to stay inspired and enthusiastic in the work, and support supervisees also to have resilience and build enthusiasm.

The Forum  is interactive and experiential. It will include theoretical presentations, experiential exercises and small and large group discussions to integrate the learning.

As part of the Inner Camino Training Series, and this current event is  an introduction to an eight module training – Supervision and Reflective Practice: A Training in Transpersonal Process Supervision

The learning outcomes to be acquired as a result of attending the
workshop / presentation

  • Developing access to a transpersonal capacity of Intuitive Consciousness,
    from which to supervise and overview the work with insight, creativity,
    new meaning and a strong compassionate container that allows the
    unexpected to emerge.
  • Enhancing this transpersonal capacity as a way to maintain resilience,
    build personal power and avoid burnout in the workplace

  • Exploring any negative and habitual patterns that may deplete personal
    power, and also how to encourage supervisees to stay empowered and
    energised in the work.
    CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event 

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