Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36


IACP accredited courses

The IACP has grown since 1981 to become the largest association for Counselling and Psychotherapy in Ireland. 

Education is at the heart of our association. We aim through IACP Course Accreditation to set a standard of excellence for courses of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Prospective students can be assured that courses accredited by the IACP are of a high professional standard. Our standards and regulations have been established over time to regulate and uphold professionalism within the area of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 

The Education Section provides information on IACP Course Accreditation for prospective Students, Trainees and Courses in Counselling and Psychotherapy. It outlines the list of current IACP Accredited Courses, the Criteria for Course Accreditation, the Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Process for courses, FAQs for students/courses and up-to-date information on IACP Research.


What do IACP Accredited Counselling and Psychotherapy Courses entail?


All of our accredited courses are unique but meet IACP accredited course criteria. Before finding out which course may suit you best, there are some commonalities below that are included in IACP accredited training which are important to be aware of:


  • Undertaking 50 hours of personal therapy (usually at the student’s cost)
  • Completing at least 120 hours of client work in a suitable placement (course providers will provide a list of placements and where support is required to secure a placement, course provider must actively engage with a student to secure an appropriate placement, but cannot guarantee a placement in geographical location of the student)
  • Undertaking regular supervision (usually at the student’s cost)
  • 70% of the course must be attended in person, including personal therapy/supervision/client hours
  • Personal therapy can only be completed with an IACP/BACP/IAHIP* accredited therapist
  • Supervision can only be completed with an IACP/BACP/IAHIP* accredited supervisor

*Must have received IAHIP Accreditation as a Supervisor prior to January 2025.


IACP Training Requirements - Online Provision

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IACP provided some flexibility in the requirements for core training and membership to enable training to continue while lockdowns, local restrictions and social distancing measures were in place. With many training programmes now planning to adopt a hybrid service delivery model, the IACP reviewed our position on online teaching delivery and remote supervised placement hours as per below:

Changes to apply from September 2022:

IACP requirements for core training will allow the option of some online teaching delivery and remote supervised placements, supervision and personal therapy:

  • At least 70% of teaching must take place face-to-face and synchronous (live) in the classroom setting.
  • Modules where there is an emphasis on personal development, relationship development and skills must be completed in person / face-to-face.
  • A small number of specific modules can be completed remotely (online), such as theory and research-based modules.
  • At least 70% of placement client hours and supervision (both individual and group) must be completed in person / face-to-face
  • At least 70% of required 50 hours of personal therapy in training must be completed in person / face-to-face.
  • Changes should be implemented from the academic year September 2022 with allowances for flexibilities in case of further restrictions/lockdowns/illness (staff/students)/other emergency situations.
  • The additional allowances can be also considered on case-by-case basis for students with underlying health conditions / disabilities by the course provider. 

Ratified by the IACP Board of Directors in March 2022. 

Requirement for Course Accreditation 

The minimum requirement for Counselling & Psychotherapy (for the purpose of accreditation and course accreditation) is Degree/Post-graduate Programmes Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. 

Any Degree / Post-graduate programmes in Counselling & Psychotherapy Level 8 applying for IACP course accreditation must be validated by QQI/University and meet other IACP clinical requirements (as per IACP course criteria 2018). 

This requirement would apply to all IACP accredited courses which are commencing on and from 1st September 2018. 

As of 1st September 2024, the minimum qualification requirement regarding applicants presenting for First Time Accreditation would be a Degree/Post-graduate Programme in Counselling & Psychotherapy Level 8 on NFQ. 

© Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

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