In line with the purpose statement and strategic aims of the IACP, we are committed to engaging formally with research. Members Surveys (2013, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2024) and General Public Surveys (2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) are crucial to this, helping to shape the future direction of the organisation and to raise awareness of the profession.
A Research Committee was established in September 2019. The Committee is comprised of IACP members and non-members with an active interest/background in research, and it aims to aid the development of strategic thinking about research policy and activity as well as to encourage and embed a research culture within IACP and the profession.
1) In the Research Corner of the Members Area of the website you will find a host of resources to help with your ongoing counselling / psychotherapy research journey including:
· Access to EBSCO Research Database and Psychology eBook Collection
· Research Issues & Policies Documents 1 & 2 – including links to Open Access Journals
· Path to Publication
· Research Glimpses
· Ethical Research in Counselling Professions
· Setting up a Research Study
2) In IACP’s online CPD Portal you can access IACP Research Conferences and Path to Publication resources
3) Research Video Resources – Introduction to Research and Researching Research
1) Research Journal Club
A new initiative for IACP members - in line with the Research Strategy of promoting a research culture across the organisation – is the hosting of a Research Journal Club online at which research papers with topics pertinent to counselling / psychotherapy are discussed. Facilitated by members of the Research Committee, and at times including guests who have carried out research in the area, the Research Journal Club is a quarterly, free to attend event and CPD points are awarded.
2) Research Conference
An annual online Research Conference for all members with a renowned guest researcher as the keynote speaker and IACP researcher speakers. Breakout rooms for networking and discussion and wider discussion with panel at the end. Facilitated by members of the IACP Research Committee this is a hugely attended highly stimulating event. Free to attend and CPD points are awarded.
To acknowledge and encourage research in counselling and psychotherapy the IACP offers three annual awards – a Research Bursary, a Research Excellence Award and an Undergraduate Research Excellence Award. The Research Bursary is open to members who are carrying out Doctoral research. The bursary is to help to cover the expenses involved in Doctoral research completion. The Research Excellence Award is an acknowledgment for an outstanding piece of published research that contributes to the field of counselling/psychotherapy. The Undergraduate Research Excellence award is for an outstanding dissertation. The awards are adjudicated on by the Research Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Presentations are made at IACP’s Annual Conference.
For information regarding IACP Research, please contact IACP Research Lead - Dr Ellen Kelly
Contact Details: or
Phone number: 01 2303536
To access IACP Members' Surveys and Public Surveys results, please visit HERE
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