Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Research at IACP

In line with the purpose statement and strategic aims of the IACP, we are committed to engaging formally with research. Members Surveys (2013, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021) and General Public Surveys (2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) are crucial to this, helping to shape the future direction of the organisation and to raise awareness of the profession.

Research Video Resources

Research Database

Following results from our Members’ Survey 2018, which indicated a keen interest amongst members to have access to a research database, we ran a trial with EBSCO. Feedback from members was overwhelmingly positive. We now offer access to this on a permanent basis for all members.

We also provide free access to the EBSCO Psychology ebook collection offering over 650 popular titles in psychology, psychotherapy, counselling and more.

(Members Area – Research Corner)

Research Committee

A Research Committee was established in September 2019. The Committee is comprised of IACP members and non-members with an active interest/background in research, and it aims to aid the development of strategic thinking about research policy and activity as well as to encourage and embed a research culture within IACP and the profession.

Research Awards

To acknowledge and encourage research in counselling and psychotherapy the IACP offers two annual awards – a Research Bursary and a Research Excellence Award. The Research Bursary is open members who are near completion of their Doctoral research. The bursary is to help to cover the expenses involved in Doctoral research completion. The Research Excellence Award is an acknowledgment for an outstanding piece of completed research that contributes to the field of counselling/psychotherapy.       

Research Corner

Research news and projects are posted in the E-news research corner and research articles and guides are posted in the Members Area research corner.

Research Journal Club

A new initiative for IACP members - in line with the Research Strategy of promoting a research culture across the organisation – is the hosting of a Research Journal Club online at which research papers with topics pertinent to counselling / psychotherapy are discussed. Facilitated by members of the Research Committee, and at times including guests who have carried out research in the area, the Research Journal Club is free to attend and CPD points are awarded.

Research Glimpses

What research papers are IACP Research Committee members reading and why? A fresh initiative for IACP members is the sharing of glimpses into published research that have been meaningful for Research Committee members in terms of their counselling / psychotherapeutic practice. A small piece with reflections on the research will be provided by a Research Committee member along with a link to the paper/PDF. These will be available in the Members’ Area Research Corner.

For information regarding IACP Research, please contact IACP Research Lead - Dr Ellen Kelly 

Contact Details:  or

Phone number: 01 2303536

IACP Member and Public Surveys

To access IACP Members' Surveys and Public Surveys results, please visit HERE


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© Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

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