Recognition of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Events and Courses

What is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allows Counsellors and Psychotherapists to maintain, develop and enhance their knowledge, skills and professional competency. CPD is an essential way for the profession to maintain and preserve the integrity of the practitioner, which ultimately provides safeguards for the client. Continuously educating oneself demonstrates a commitment to the importance of the profession as a whole and fosters high standards of protection for clients.
Formal recognition of an Event/Course
A person proposing to organise a course/event (Organiser) applies for CPD recognition for the course/event by competing in the IACP CPD Recognition Application Form. Completed applications including supporting documentation should be submitted by post or email to Kate Privett-Collins, Accreditation Officer at least six weeks in advance of the proposed date for the course/event.
Required Information:
The Organiser must supply the following information, using the application:
- Title of Event/Course
- Location/Venue, Date(s)
- Organiser Contact Details and Accreditation Details (if applicable)
- Education Objectives of the Event
- List and credentials of Speakers / Facilitators: Evidence is required that the presenters and/or facilitators have the expertise to deliver the learning objectives using the methods chosen.
- Describe the learning outcomes to be acquired as a result of attending the course/event and how they link to good professional practice.
- Which Learning/teaching methods will be used e.g. lectures, workshops, tutorials etc.
- Programme / Schedule / Agenda
- An outline of the educational content
- A full schedule for the course/ event, indicating the start and finish times of each activity
- Name and appointment of each speaker and full title of their presentation
- Method of Evaluation (feedback form, quiz or another form of assessment)
- Sponsorship - provide a list of sponsors if applicable
Application Fee
There is a fee required to have an application processed. This fee is non-refundable and the fee is per event. If you wish to apply for a recurring event, this needs to be clarified within the application form and the fee must be multiplied by the amount of the events planned. There is a discount of 25% for recurring events/courses.
- Event organised and/or hosted by a commercial organisation(s): €300
- Event organised and/or hosted by a commercial educational provider: €170
- Event organised by a registered charity with registration fee: €100
- Event organised by a registered charity if the event is free: €50
- Event/ training organised by a Public Service Body, relevant to Counselling and Psychotherapy, offered free of charge to participants: no application fee
- For short courses (14 CPD points or less) / online courses, it is possible to obtain an annual IACP CPD recognition of the same training course with an annual fee of €500.
We may require further documentation in order to assess suitability. Failure to supply complete information at the time of application or when requested may result in the rejection of the application.
Criteria for approval of Events / Activities
Once an application is submitted, it is reviewed under the following categories:
- The activity provides good quality content covering the subject matter.
- Specific learning objectives are defined which are appropriate for the target audience.
- Appropriate course/event content/programme is submitted to support the CPD application.
- Clear evidence of specialist input must be evident and details must be provided.
- The target audience is identified.
- The mechanism for evaluation and feedback has been met.
- Must be at least 2 hours in length.
- The maximum number of CPD points that can be awarded for one day is 7 CPD.
- Highly specialised courses may gain extra CPD credits but this should be requested and justified within the application form.
Speakers / Facilitators:
Evidence is required that the presenters and/or facilitators have the expertise to deliver the learning objectives using the methods chosen.
- Any support, sponsorship, funding or involvement by a commercial organisation must be declared in the application.
- Any support, sponsorship, funding or involvement by a commercial organisation must not influence the structure or content of the programme.
The IACP may withhold approval for a course/event to be IACP CPD recognised if considered to be deemed primarily promotional rather than educational.
CPD approval procedure and post-approval
Valid applications are usually processed within a six-week timeframe. Following detailed consideration, the decision will be issued by email confirming the Approval and outlining CPD points allocated.
Following approval: It is then the Organiser’s responsibility to:
- Record and maintain signed attendance registers on file for a five-year period. Copies may be requested by IACP for verification.
- Issue certificates of attendance to delegates who have signed the registration sheet
Please note: Approved events may be published on the IACP event website (when requested by the Organiser) as an external event (no booking facility is provided through the IACP website). All dates and venues on the IACP website are available to the public and queries regarding the event will be directed to the email provided by the Organiser. In this regard, it is essential that any changes in dates or venues be notified to the IACP as soon as they arise.
Disclaimer: While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the IACP website event calendar, the IACP cannot accept any responsibility or liability for information provided by outside organisations.
Promotion of the Event
- The unauthorised use of the IACP logo is not permitted under any circumstances and even if authorised only with the express written consent of IACP as to the manner and frequency of its use.
- Wording such as “IACP CPD Approved” OR “IACP CPD Recognised” can be used in material associated with the event only when the application is approved.
- Organisers should only specify the number of CPD points available to be awarded as stated by the IACP in the confirmation email.
- Please note that CPD approval is not assured and the event should not be advertised prior to written confirmation from IACP.
- Please note that an application submitted for CPD approval is no guarantee that CPD points will be awarded. Delegates attending the event need to be advised of the outcome of the application for CPD approval.
- IACP will accept no liability for losses direct or indirect howsoever arising resulting from failure to approve an event for CPD in part or whole.
- Advertisement in IACP Journal/e-newsletter is not included or guaranteed by this application process and must be enquired about separately.
If an application is refused, the organiser may appeal the decision in writing. Such appeals should be made to the IACP Professional Practice Subgroup. An appeal must be made within four weeks of the notification date of the refused application, there is a non-refundable €35 processing fee for the appeal.
Guidelines produced: July 2017