Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36
MRC - Network Evening - Safe Trauma Therapy in the Aftermath of Abusive Relationship (04/03/24) CPDFREE Speaker: Patricia O'Reilly
Online - Zoom
04-03-2024   Starts: 19:00.p.m. - 21:00.p.m.
2 CPD hours
IACP Members only

Places Limited to 80

Event fully booked and closed

MRC - Network Evening - Safe Trauma Therapy in the Aftermath of Abusive Relationship

Speaker's Bio:

Patricia is practicing clinical psychotherapist and supervisor with an interest in providing group therapy and facilitation workshops. She presently work with NCS, HSE, with adults who have trauma of every sort. As manager of a Domestic Violence service for over a decade, She have vast experience of caring for survivors of intimate abusive relationship.

Event outline:

This presentation will aim to assist therapists in understanding complex trauma in the aftermath of Abusive Relationship so that they can offer Safe Trauma Therapy to clients while managing challenges, the therapeutic relationship and their recovery process.

As this is a short presentation, we will briefly consider skills to manage complex trauma, post-traumatic growth and practitioner self-care.

CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event 

The Zoom Link and Password for the event will be sent at least a day or two in advance 

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