Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36
SERC - The therapeutic use of dreams (1 day interactive course) (02/03/24) CPD Presenter: Mike Hackett
Online - Zoom
02-03-2024   Registration: 09:15.a.m.- Starts: 09:30.a.m. - 16:30.p.m.
6 CPD hours
IACP Members only

Places will be limited to 90

Event closed for bookings

SERC - The therapeutic use of dreams (1 day interactive course)

Presenter's Bio:

Mike Hackett MIACP IASD has been working in the area of dreams for over 25 years. He has written short and long programmes in the area for PCI College and has had several published research works in the area over the last number of years.

Mike Hackett practices in Introspect Counselling and has also lectured extensively in PCI College. He is also active as an editor and contributor to the Irish Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Workshop Outline: 

  • Introduction to dreams (approaches)
  • Short review of dream work approaches
  • Live dream work demonstration (audience participation)
  • Breakout groups & large group discussions (supervised break outs)
  • Practical tips for working with client dream reports
  • Useful materials & signposting
  • Check-out & Close

CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event 

The Zoom Link and Password for the event will be sent at least a day or two in advance 

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