Topic: Older adults and therapy [17/06/2024]
The research paper under discussion for our sixth Research Journal Club will be “Older adults’ experience of psychological therapy” by Maureen McIntosh & Catherine Sykes from Counselling Psychology Review Vol. 31, No. 1, June 2016.
Joining Research Committee facilitators - Chair Aisling O’Connor and Vice Chair Dr Caitriona Kinsella – will be IACP member Agapi Kapeloni who will share insights from her research on encountering older adults in psychotherapy – the lived experience of Irish therapists. Agapi has co-authored a paper with Dr Rita Glover in this area which is published in the European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling August 2022, Volume 24, Issue 3
Running order:
7.00-7.05 Introductions – Research Committee Chair and IACP Research Lead
7.05-7.25 Research paper outline and conversation - RC facilitators
7.25-7.40 Research paper thoughts and own research – Agapi Kapeloni
7.40-8.00 Breakout rooms
8.00-8.30 General discussion
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The Zoom Link and Password for the event will be sent at least a day in advance of the Event.
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