Eoin has worked in the areas of Intellectual Disability, Addiction Counselling,Lecturing/Training, & Counselling Private Practice.
He is currently focused on working with the problems faced by autistic adults and understanding their specific therapeutic needs. He is autistichaving made the discovery in 2012.
These days, an increasing number of clients seeking therapy (or who are already in therapy) are wondering if they are autistic, have identified themselves as autistic, or have been diagnosed as autistic. This exploration/discovery can be helpful in making more sense of their life experiences and struggles, but many will benefit from informed professional help in doing so. Autistic people (especially when growing up without knowledge of being autistic) are particularly vulnerable to mental health problems, and the suicide risk among autistic people is much higher than in the general population. When they seek therapy, allowance needs to be made for their autistic personality, communication style, perspective, & difficulties.
This workshop/webinar consists of presentations on the topics below, with time for questions & discussion:
• The neurodiversity paradigm
• Current thinking, myths, terminology (high-functioning, masking, stimming, etc)
• Criteria/diagnosis/discovery • Communication adjustments & other issues in therapy
• Therapy Approaches • Possible considerations for working with Worry & Social Anxiety
• Further learning resources
CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event
The Zoom Link and Password for the event will be sent at least a day or two in advance
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