Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Online - Supervisors Forum Introduction to Relational Supervision and the Balint Chair (21/06/25) CPDFREE Presenter: Dr. Helena Hargaden Facilitator: Pat Dermody
21-06-2025   Registration: 09:45. a.m. - Starts: 10:00. a.m. - 16:00. p.m.
5 CPD hours
IACP Supervisors only

Places Limited to 450

Event will close on 19th June 25

Online - Supervisors Forum Introduction to Relational Supervision and the Balint Chair 

Presenter's Bio:

Helena MSc, D.Psych, TSTA (P)  works in Sussex where she has her private practice.  Drawing on her experience in Jungian analysis and psychoanalytic supervision she developed an experiential format in supervison for working with the unconscious. This model is based on the Balint Chair and is described in her book ‘The Art of Relational Supervision’.

Event Outline:

It will  cover an introduction to relational supervision based on Carl Jung’s ideas of how client and therapist need to immerse themselves in the 'bath water' of the shared unconscious.  I use examples of this.  She will describe how and why She developed the Balint Chair.  She willoffer demonstration , through experiential learning, of the Balint chair with an examination of one or two case studies demonstrating the non linear ways of the unconscious.

CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event 

The Zoom Link and Password for the event will be sent at least a day or two in advance 

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Places Available

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Please note: all IACP Membership Numbers begin with the letter M

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