Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36
In Person Supervisors Forum - Working with our Shadow as Supervisors (29/03/25 CPDFREE Presenter: Mike Hackett Facilitator: Philip Brennan
New Park Hotel, Kilkenny (Limited Parking)
29-03-2025   Registration: 09.30.a.m. - Starts: 10:00. a.m. - 16:00. p.m.
5 CPD hours
IACP Supervisors only

Places Limited to 48

Event will close on 27th March 25

Please be advised there are several events taking place in the New Park Hotel on Saturday 29th of March and as such there will be limited parking available.

In Person Supervisors Forum - Working with our Shadow as Supervisors

Presenter's Bio: 

Mike is an accredited counsellor and supervisor with the Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy and the founder of Introspect Counselling and Psychotherapy. In his work with clients, he is primarily pluralistic in his approach to their work together, but he also employs elements from therapeutic traditions as well as evidence-based approaches based on the needs of his clients.

As a supervisor, he creates a safe, supportive, oversight and educative space in which his supervisees can reflect on their work as professional therapists and supervisors at all stages of their careers.

Event Outline:

This will be a one day in-person CPD day providing insight on working with our shadows in supervision practice. Participants will have lecturer-led input, group discussion, break-out sessions an opportunities to observe a contemporary application of shadow work.

This single day is an excellent opportunity for deep reflection and skills development on the role of the shadow in contemporary supervision practice.

CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event 

Final Places

Book a Place

Required for CPD tracking: members only.
Please note: all IACP Membership Numbers begin with the letter M

Select category
Supervisors (€0.00)

© Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

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