Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36
In Person - Supervisors Forum Neuro-Affirming Supervision (28/06/25) CPDFREE Presenter: Eoin Stephens Facilitators: Liam Neville & Louise Yourell
Mullingar Park Hotel; Dublin Rd Marlinstown, Co Westmeath,N91A4EP
28-06-2025   Registration: 09.30.a.m. - Starts: 10:00. a.m. - 16:00. p.m.
5 CPD hours
IACP Supervisors only

Places Limited to 50

Event will close on 26th June 25

In Person - Supervisors Forum Neuro-Affirming Supervision

Presenter's Bio:

Eoin Stephens is a counsellor, supervisor & trainer who has worked in the area of disability, counselling/psychotherapy, & mental health for over 40 years, particularly focusing on issues such as social anxiety & behavioural addictions. He has also worked at a senior level in C&P education, and served on several IACP committees. He was awarded the IACP Carl Berkeley Award in 2010.

These days, his primary focus is on working with autistic adults, and on understanding the problems they face & their specific therapeutic needs. He is himself autistic, having made the discovery in 2012.

Event Outline:

  • Taking account of the genetic/innate nature of autistic & ADHD neurotypes in understanding
    neurodivergent (ND) clients
  • Considering the possible immediacy of the need to focus on the implications of neurodivergence for
    some of this client population
  • Becoming substantially more informed about the experience of being a late-discovery autistic and/or
    ADHD adult
  • Becoming neuro-affirming, in the sense of validating the reality and full acceptability of the
    differences presented and talked about by neurodivergent clients, in the context of a highly attuned,
    alert, responsive, reflexive therapeutic relationship
  • Closely examining their main therapy approaches for “goodness of fit” when working with ND clients
  • Making reasonable adjustments in physical, sensory environment (light, heat, sound, seating etc)
  • Developing awareness with regard to currently appropriate language/terminology
  • Considering the need for extra clarification regarding the context, boundaries, “rules” of the
    therapeutic setting, including practical arrangements such as communications between therapy
  •  Becoming conscious/cautious in interpretating & responding to client’s verbal and body language
    Please be advised that attendees must sign-in and sign-out of this event as a fire safety precaution, and as a CPD recording tool.  If you must leave the event early, the CPD awarded will reflect this. Due to the early finish, the CPD certificate will need to be manually created after the event and will be unavoidably delayed.
    CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event 
Places Available

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Required for CPD tracking: members only.
Please note: all IACP Membership Numbers begin with the letter M

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Supervisor (€0.00)

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