Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36
Online WNWRC - The Act of Imagination: Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy in Experiential Context (04/10/25 CPD Presenter: Allan Frater
04-10-2025   Registration 09:30.a.m. Starts: 10:00. a.m. -14: 00. p.m.
4 CPD hours
IACP Members only

Places Limited to 40

Event will close for bookings 2nd Oct 25

Online WNWRC - The Act of Imagination: Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy in Experiential Context

Presenter's Bio:

Allan Frater is the author of ‘Waking Dreams: Imagination in Psychotherapy & Everyday Life’ (TranspersonalPress, 2021). He is a psychotherapist in private practice and since 2011 has taught at the Psychosynthesis Trust, on the Foundation and Counselling Diploma courses as well as CPD events related to his research interests in imagination, ecopsychology and transpersonal psychotherapy.

Qualifications:-Diploma in Supervision with Soul (2013)-MA Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy (2011)-PGDip Psychosynthesis Counselling (2007)-MBACP(Accred)-UKCP(reg)

Find out more:


Event Outline:

This workshop will discuss the further implications of this statement to offer an image-based adaptation of the ‘Stages of Psychosynthesis’ as:

Stage1: story identification

Stage2: story disidentification

Stage3: story emergence

Stage4: living between stories

As a psychosynthesis theory of change these stages will provide a useful comparison between Assagioli’s emphasis upon ‘the will’ and the more dynamic and active elements of imaginative life.

Who is it for?

Open to qualified and in-training coaches, counsellors, psychotherapists and anyone interested in working therapeutically with imagination.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to work therapeutically with imagination as a meta-function which includes sensations, feelings, thoughts, intuitions, perceptions and actions
  • How to appreciate images as the raw-material of therapeutic work within memories, present-moment-perceptions (the transference) and future fantasies
  • How to work with the process of how we imagine (rather than interpreting what we imagine)
  • How to understand the presenting issue as an impoverished imagination
  • How therapy offers an enhancement of imaginative life
  • How to understand the presenting issue as an unscripted event or character in the habitual story being told about self and world
  • How to help clients find a new, expanded story capable of incorporating the presenting issue
  • How to align with the playful unpredictability of imagining and avoid formulaic scripted approaches

What to expect?

The workshop will be a mix of slideshow presentation, discussions, live demonstrations and practicum opportunities.

 CPD Certs will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Event

The Zoom Link and Password for the event will be sent at least a day or two in advance 

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Places Available

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Required for CPD tracking: members only.
Please note: all IACP Membership Numbers begin with the letter M

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Member (€20.00)

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