Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36
Working with complex trauma and dissociative states of mind; How to mind yourself. CPD Presenter: Dr. David Cameron Consultant Clinical Psychotherapist & Psychologist BSc (Hons) PhD, CPsychol, UKCP, BPS
City Hotel, Derry, Northern Ireland
14-05-2016   Registration 9.30: Starts 10am to 4pm
6 CPD hours
Workshop Limited to 34 places. IACP Student places are limited to 5.

Northern Ireland Regional Committee

Present a workshop entitled:

Working with complex trauma & dissociative states of mind; How to mind yourself.

Presenter Bio: Having trained with UU and Middlesex University, David has worked as a research-practitioner for some 25 years in child, adolescent, adult and forensic mental health settings. For 10 years he worked in, managed and developed therapeutic community psychiatric alternatives for persons experiencing or recovering from schizophrenia, schizophrenia spectrum and personality disorders. David also worked in a Belfast trauma centre with individuals experiencing complex conflict related trauma and more recently was the Clinical Lead of a cross community primary care intervention for individuals who were chronically traumatized because of the NI "troubles" funded by the OFMDFM. For upwards of ten years David was a clinical supervisor with the NEXUS Institute working wth the survivors of child and adult sexual violence. David also worked as a Senior Lecturer in Dublin City University integral in developing, designing and subsequently teaching into a Doctoral Clinical Psychotherapy training programme. Currently he teaches into a satellite MSc psychotherapy programme for NHS multidisciplinary mental health professionals (Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists and Mental Health Nurses) in the Belfast Trust. David is published in the field of specialised psychotherapy research and clinical commentary and has a special clinical/research interest in mental health in the workplace, clinical as well as personal recovery, mindfulness, chronic - complex trauma and dissociated states of mind. David is in the final stages of his group psychotherapy training under scholarship with the Washington School of Psychiatry. David is currently the Clinical Lead of the Psychological Therapies of the Northern Ireland Association of Mental Health.

Outline: The workshop will integrate the consensus of clinical opinion with contemporary, emerging theoretical advances in the treatment of complex trauma, mapping out the historical and contextual origins of traumatic stress. Specifically the workshop will identify the symptom spectrum which is common to as well as distinguishes between the diagnostic criterion for discrete posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); and the clinical phenomenon of complex trauma which emerges out of early insecure attachments and is related to later adult mental health and personality disorders. Describe the hard wired fight, fight and freeze response, dissociaton and distinguish between autobiographical and traumatic memory. Finally the workshop will highlight the need for therapist self-care when working with traumatized clients to mitigate vicarious traumatization and compassion fatigue. The day will conclude with a mindfulness based breathing meditation exercise.

Training Level: Intermediate 

CPD certificates will be emailed to participants after attendance at the Workshop.



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