Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Journal Article Index

Articles from the IACP Journals from 2022 – 2023

Article Name: Is talk cheap? A review of health professional regulation in the context of an Irish register for counselling and psychotherapy
Author Name: Claire Rountree
Journal Issue: Winter 2023

Article Name: Altered State? An Exploration of the Views of Psychotherapists in Ireland Towards the Therapeutic Use of Psychedelics
Author Name: Niamh O’Sullivan
Journal Issue: Winter 2023

Article Name: The preparedness of therapists for working with refugees and asylum seekers: A quantitative study
Author Name: Edel Myers
Journal Issue: Winter 2023

Article NameReclaiming Sexual Empowerment after Childhood Sexual Abuse
Author Name: Anita Lynch
Journal Issue:  Winter 2023

Article Name: What is it like to have ADHD? How to understand and work with ADHD in therapy and what resources are available for clients within the island of Ireland
Author Name: Peter Kelly
Journal Issue: Winter 2023

Article Name: Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk among Ireland’s Third-Level Students and Young Adults
Author Name: By Hayley O’Gorman
Journal Issue: Autumn 2023

Article Name: Living Melodies: Modes of Therapeutic Resonance
Author Name: Alex Delogu
Journal Issue: Autumn 2023

Article Name: The Impact of Humour on Clients in Psychotherapy
Author Name: Kara Cronin
Journal Issue: Autumn 2023

Article Name: One Step Forward Two Steps Back
Author Name: Hamza Mahoney
Journal Issue: Autumn 2023

Article Name: Does nutrition have a place in the therapy room?
Author Name: Jayne Leonard
Journal Issue: Summer 2023

Article Name: A simulated interview with Fritz Perls: Part 3 - Final pearls from Perls
Author Name: James C. Overholser
Journal Issue: Summer 2023

Article Name: Facing the world that materialist science leads us towards
Author Name: Dr Marion Mensing
Journal Issue: Summer 2023

Article Name: Online therapy and the challenges of maintaining the therapeutic frame
Author Name: Helen Browne
Journal Issue: Summer 2023

Article Name: The making of me: My first year of transition as a practicing psychotherapist in Ireland
Author Name: Rhea Askins
Journal Issue: Summer 2023

Article Name: We need to abandon the practice of ‘free therapy’
Author Name: Mike Hackett
Journal Issue: Summer 2023

Article Name: Childlessness as a springboard for post-traumatic growth 
Author Name: Dr Jolanta Burke and Dr Trudy Meehan
Journal Issue: Spring 2023

Article Name: A simulated interview with Fritz Perls: Part 2 – The process of therapy sessions
Author Name: James C. Overholser, Ph.D., ABPP
Journal Issue: Spring 2023

Article Name: Working therapeutically with clients taking psychotropic medication: Is it a help or hindrance?
Author Name: Grushenka Arnold
Journal Issue: Spring 2023

Article Name: An exploration of the role of neuroscience and neuroimaging in the psychodynamic approach
Author Name: Dr Marion Mensing
Journal Issue: Spring 2023

Article Name: Working with gender dysphoria in young people
Author Name: Sally O’Reilly
Journal Issue: Spring 2023 

Article Name: A simulated interview with Fritz Perls Part 1 Benefits of living in the moment
Author Name: James C. Overholser, Ph.D., ABPP
Journal Issue: Winter 2022

Article Name: Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, will be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology or the telescope is for astronomy
Author Name: Rob Ó Cobhthaigh
Journal Issue: Winter 2022

Article Name: Hikokomori a sociocultural mental health phenomenon An examination on the research on extreme social isolation
Author Name: Eileen M Higgins
Journal Issue: Winter 2022

Article Name: Rising rates of psychopathology and the changing ecology of childhood
Author Name: Evan Dwan
Journal Issue: Winter 2022

Article Name: Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder PMDD A brief overview
Author Name: Sinead Larkin
Journal Issue: Winter 2022

Article Name: The Cold Kiss My journey with relational and developmental trauma
Author Name: John Dunlea
Journal Issue: Autumn 2022

Article Name: The useless therapist An appreciation of non-doing
Author Name: Alex Delogu
Journal Issue: Autumn 2022

Article Name: Promoting Affirmative Grief The Limits of the 'New Science of Bereavement'
Author Name: Kevin Sludds
Journal Issue: Autumn 2022

Article Name: Male Gender Role Conflict Loosening the knot of stringent masculinity ideologies
Author Name: Luke Devlin
Journal Issue: Autumn 2022

Article Name: Trust An analysis of that which we can never take for granted
Author Name: Coleen Jones, co-researched with supervisees
Journal Issue: Autumn 2022

Article Name: A supervisor reflects on the complexities of therapists communicating no
Author Name: Emma Redfern
Journal Issue: Summer 2022

Article Name: The 'Energy Therapy Technique' arising from Irish Celtic Shamanism 
Author Name: Dr Karen Ward MIACP
Journal Issue: Summer 2022

Article Name: The unfolding narrative from Covid-19: Emerging themes and skills in practice
Author Name: Dr Breda Friel and Jonathan Beavis
Journal Issue: Summer 2022

Article Name: Guidance/Counselling Managing mental health at second level:An exploration of Second Level Guidance Counsellors’ perceptions and lived experiences of seeking to meet student mental health needs
Author Name: Róisín Traynor
Journal Issue: Summer 2022

Article Name:Technology-assisted psychotherapy for complex trauma
Author Name: Julie Brown and Leanne Macken
Journal Issue: Spring 2022

Article Name: Coming out as a survivor therapist Understanding therapists’ motivation for trauma-related disclosure within professional and public domains
Author Name: Valerie Ballarotti
Journal Issue: Spring 2022 

Article Name: Survived but not recovered An exploration of psychotherapy and counselling for people living beyond cancer
Author Name: Dave Cosgrove
Journal Issue: Spring 2022 

Article Name: Playing language games
Author Name: Alex Delogu
Journal Issue: Spring 2022

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