Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Accredited Course Membership

iacp course accreditation
The IACP has endorsed accredited Course Members as training courses of excellence for students of Counselling & Psychotherapy.

Accredited Course Members adhere to the IACPs Code of Ethics and Practice and Course Accreditation Criteria.  They uphold a high standard of care and professionalism to protect the public, students, graduates, supervisors and course trainers. Accredited Course Members have proven, through vigorous assessment and monitoring, to provide exceptional training and graduates from their counselling/psychotherapy course. 

The main benefits of IACP Course Membership

Formal recognition of your qualifications and experience through our accreditation process.

Online Directory Listing: Accredited Course members are listed on the IACP website in the ‘Directory of Accredited Courses’.

Representation: The IACP champions the contribution of Counsellors, Psychotherapists and the profession. We strongly lobby (Government, Political parties, Department of Health and Children, Health Committee’s, Allied Health Professions and other National Bodies) on key issues and priorities. The central aim of the Statutory Regulation of Counselling and Psychotherapy forms a large part of this work. We also influence policy development and plans through Responses and Submissions. 

Publicity: One of IACP’s main aims is to inform the public of Counselling and Psychotherapy benefits. We do this through our public relations and communications strategy, which concentrates on public events, press releases, interaction with the media and direct advertising. Our communications work highlights the importance of Professional Standards and the services that IACP and its members offer the public.

Quarterly Journal: The IACP journal  'the Irish Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy' including articles, ‘Notice Board’ and Advertising is sent to members four times a year.

Attendance at AGM: This important event also includes free enjoyable, and interesting activities such as the free Pre-Agm social and a high profile guest speaker.

Professional Support on Standards of Practice and Education: IACP assists with all types of member enquiries and puts you in touch with the right experts. Members can access a range of information from the office and receive information (by speaking to someone, viewing online or receiving printed guidelines) on practical, ethical, and professional matters. Members can also access IACP publications ranging from the latest professional guidelines to public information leaflets. 

E-news: Regular e-mail circular containing information and employment/placement opportunities.

Regional Support: Support and networking opportunities at regular Regional meetings nationwide.

IACP Logo: Accredited Members have use of the IACP logo on their promotional material and website.

Involvement: Members can influence IACP policy and development by participation on IACP’s sub-committees and panels. Accredited Members also can vote in (or stand for election in) Executive, Sub-Committee and Regional elections.

Regional Participation: All members are also automatically members of their Regional branch and can network with local colleagues and help influence the Association’s priorities.

International Representation: The IACP represents members’ views internationally and continues to work with the BACP (with whom we have full reciprocity), the International Association for Counselling, Counselling in Scotland (COSCA) and more.

Awards: Members are eligible to participate in Annual Awards that recognise outstanding contribution to counselling and psychotherapy development.

Welcome Pack: On joining, members receive a “Welcome Pack”, Important company information and an IACP pen.

© Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

| Contact IACP | Therapist Directory Terms | Event Booking Terms | Payment Terms | Company Information IACP, First Floor, Marina House, 11-13 Clarence Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Tel. 00 353 1 2303536


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