Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Supervisor FAQ

IACP therapist supervision

Supervisors Frequently Asked Questions 

I am an Accredited Member of IACP. My Supervisor is an Accredited Counsellor/ Psychotherapist of the Counselling Section of PSI and has completed Supervisor training. Will this Supervisor still be eligible to Supervise IACP Members after March 2010?

No – After March 2010 only IACP, BACP & IAHIP Accredited Supervisors will be eligible to Supervise IACP Members. If the Supervision contract was set up prior to March 2010 and is on-going then this Supervision is still valid.

My Supervisor is a fully Accredited Supervisor with IAHIP. Do IACP recognise this Supervision?

Yes – IACP and IAHIP have mutual recognition of Supervisors providing they received their Supervisor Accreditation prior to January 2025.

What is the change in criteria regarding Supervision that came into force in March 2010?

From March 2010, a requirement came into effect that those beginning Supervision, or current Members changing Supervisor (i.e. any new Supervision contracts) will have to have their work supervised by a Supervisor accredited by IACP or accredited by an equivalent body acceptable to IACP. 

This requirement will not be applied retrospectively. All Members and training bodies were given notice of this requirement.

I have been in Supervision with my Supervisor since 2006 but the Supervisor has no Supervisor Training. Can I stay with this Supervisor after March 2010?

Yes - If the Supervision contract was set up prior to 2007 and is on-going. The text of Motion 9 (2008) applies only to those Members changing Supervisor or beginning new Supervision Contracts.

What are the criteria for Supervision of Student Counsellors / Psychotherapists?

Students must use an Accredited Supervisor who meets IACP and in the modality of the course. The course has the responsibility & discretion to identify & approve the appropriate Accredited Supervisor. 

Supervisors that meet IACP criteria are the following:
a) Accredited Supervisors IACP
b) Accredited Supervisors IAHIP
c) Accredited Supervisors BACP

What ratio of Supervision must I have?

While in training, external one- to- one supervision must not be less than 1 hour presenting time to 5 hours of client work, subject to an overall  minimum of 1.5 hours of presenting time per month per student.

N.B. After finishing training and while working towards IACP Accreditation you will need a minimum of 1 hour Supervision to every 10 hours of Client work. 

As a fully Accredited Member you will need a minimum of 1 hour Supervision to every 20 Client hours.

In all of the above Supervision must take place at least once per month (excluding holidays).


Please note that as of 25th November 2015, the ratio of Supervision for members with accreditation of 5 years (or more) has been changed to a ratio of 30:1.

Why Supervision?

All IACP Members working as Counsellors / Psychotherapists are bound by IACP Code of Ethics and Practice to monitor their work through regular Supervision. This helps to ensure standards continue to develop.

How long do you have to be with the same Supervisor before applying for Accreditation?

You can change your Supervisor at any time but you must be in Supervision with the same Supervisor 12 months prior to application for Accreditation.

Can my Supervisor supervise me for my Client hours and Supervision Hours therapy?

Yes. The Supervision contract should allow sufficient and proportional time for Supervision work.

Can I use the same Supervisor I used while training?

Yes. You have the option to remain with your Supervisor after qualifying from your core course. Please be aware of the following: Your Supervisor must not have had any involvement in the Supervisee’s training course (excluding external individual supervision)/ been your Personal Therapist at any stage of your training.

If in doubt whether the proposed Supervisor meets the above criteria, it is the responsibility of the Supervisee to check with IACP prior to commencement of Supervision.

Where can I find a Supervisor?

See 'Online Directory of Accredited Supervisors' on the left hand side of this page.

Are Supervisors supervised?

Yes. All Supervisors must have Supervision of their supervision work and their Supervisor must fulfil the IACP criteria for Supervision.


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