Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Please note: all IACP Membership Numbers begin with the letter M

Processing Fee: €155.00

Accredited Supervisor Membership

IACP accredited supervisor

To Become an IACP Accredited Supervisor, the Applicant must:

(i) have completed a Supervision training course that meets the Criteria & Guidelines set by IACP for Supervision Training Courses or hold current IAHIP accreditation as a Supervisor (first awarded prior to January 2025). For Non-IACP Accredited Supervision course, please see the main themes below.

(ii) be an accredited IACP member for a minimum of 5 years and have been in continuous supervised practice since accreditation.

(iii) have fully paid the annual subscription for Accredited Members before application.

(iv) accept and work within IACP’s Code of Ethics and Practice.

(v) provide clear evidence of details as requested on the application form.

Please note:  As and from 1st September 2019, IACP will accept for First Time Supervisor Accreditation those who have completed IACP Accredited Supervision Course or those who completed a course that does not hold IACP course accreditation, but the supervision course completed must meet the minimum standards and requirements listed in the IACP Criteria for Supervision Training Courses and hold a QQI or University validation, unless the applicant holds current IAHIP Supervisor Accreditation (first awarded prior to January 2025).

For more details on Supervision Course Accreditation, please click here

How Do I Apply For Supervisor Accreditation?

Application for IACP Supervisor Accreditation must be made using current IACP application forms only. (Fill in form across to receive the form via email).

Each application form must be accompanied by:

(i) The relevant administration fee.

(ii) Relevant certification.

(iii) Copy of an up to date Course Prospectus / Information booklet

(iv) A report from the applicant’s external Supervisor(s) during training 

How Is My Application Processed?

(i) The application is processed by the IACP office.

(ii) An applicant whose material does not meet the criteria at this stage is informed by letter and given guidance about what additional information is required.

(iii) All applications for Supervisor Accreditation that do not meet criteria will be assessed by the Supervision Committee. 

(iv) When approved- a confirmation email and a PDF version of the Certificate of Accreditation will be sent to you. 

Please note: As of January 2016, a hard copy of the accreditation certificate will be issued only on request. 

Please note that there is a separate annual subscription for Accredited Supervisors, additional to the subscription for accredited membership of IACP.

Non-IACP Accredited Supervision Training Courses

If the Supervision Training course you have completed is not an IACP Accredited Course, you may still apply for Supervisor accreditation. However, it is at the discretion of the Supervision Committee to evaluate whether it meets the criteria.

The main elements of the Supervision Course Criteria are as follows:


  1. A minimum of one year part-time duration (of not less than 100 hours of staff/trainee contact plus 50 hours of supervised supervision practice within the duration of the course).
  2. The 50 supervision practice hours may be a blend of one to one, peer, or group supervision. These hours must be formally contracted in the ratio of 25 internal practice hours and 25 external practice hours.
  3. A balance of theoretical knowledge, professional development, skills and supervised professional practice consistent with the course theoretical supervision model or approach must be evident.
  4. Course organisers and course supervisors must hold professional indemnity insurance cover for themselves and require their trainee supervisors to also hold professional indemnity insurance. This needs to specify counselling /psychotherapy supervision for their professional practice.
  5. Each course must have an independent External Examiner.
  6. Each trainee supervisor must have an IACP, BACP or IAHIP accredited external supervisor who will provide a supervisor’s assessment of the 25 external supervision practice hours to the course. In order to ensure that the supervisor can be seen to be objective and have no conflict of interest with regard to the trainee supervisor, supervision of the 25 external hours must not be undertaken with a supervisor who is directly involved with the training course in any way other than as the external supervisor. Involvement with a Supervision Training Course is deemed to extend for 2 years following the period of employment on or engagement with the course.
  7. Assessment of applicants for suitability before being selected onto the course.
  8. One core staff must be an Accredited Supervisor Member of IACP.
  9. External supervisors’ reports must form an integral part of ongoing assessment.
  10. The training course must have held a QQI or University validation from September 2019.
  11. Certification of having satisfactorily completed the course.


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Please note: all IACP Membership Numbers begin with the letter M

Processing Fee: €155.00

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