Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Carl Berkeley Memorial Award 2018


Joe Heffernan

Joe Heffernan has over 16 years’ experience serving on IACP committees. This includes 5 years on the Executive Committee, serving as Treasurer in 2005, the Supervisor Forum Organising Committee and the Southern Regional Committee.

He graduated with a B.A from UCC in 1969 and with an M.A from UCC in 1992. He then went on to graduate with a Higher Diploma in Counselling from UCC in 1998 and became accredited as a counsellor in 1999 and as a supervisor in 2009. Joe worked as a Student Counsellor in UCC from 2001 to 2008.

Throughout his extensive career as a therapist and supervisor, he has continually promoted the IACP’s best interests and values. He was an organiser and presenter at the World Counselling Meeting in University College Cork, where he presented a research paper.

He is a well-known accredited instructor in Critical Incident Stress Management and he delivers this training in UCC yearly, which is attended by counsellors and mental health professionals.

He has many years’ experience delivering high quality workshops and lectures, wherein he promotes the profile of the IACP, such as to the Law Society, Shannon Doc, the Gardai, the Irish Army and in secondary school presentations throughout the country.

For over 16 years Joe has presented a weekly slot on C103 radio – with a very large listenership (267,000 weekly) where he regularly promotes the IACP and almost every week he highlights the importance of seeking out an “Accredited” counsellor. He has devoted time on the programme to explaining what counselling is and he has explained the necessity for, and progress towards Statutory Regulation. 

He has been extremely generous in supporting various charitable organisations throughout his life, but most especially during his counselling career. He served in Cuan Mhuire from 1985 on a voluntary basis and went on to help raise over one and a half million euro. He, with his son and their friend organised and performed a successful CD which raised over €8,000 for the Simon Community in Cork City in 2010. Their second CD led them to donate over €9,000 in aid of St. Joseph’s Foundation Charleville (Special Needs Children) in 2014.

Joe was nominated by Deirdre Speight, on behalf of the Southern Regional Committee.


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