Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

IACP - ACA Recognition of Accreditation 

aca recognition

As and from 16th June 2017 an agreement is in place between the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the Irish Association For Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) on recognition of their respective accreditation schemes. 


ACA and IACP will accept each other’s accreditation decisions with respect to individuals under the following conditions:

(i) This is not an automatic process and in order to advertise as having dual membership, a counsellor/psychotherapist must have membership of both ACA and IACP.

IACP Applicants

(ii) IACP Accredited Members who wish to take advantage of this agreement must first apply for membership of ACA as an individual member and pay the appropriate membership fee. Information of how to apply can be obtained on the ACA website

(iii) The IACP applicant must then progress to the ACA Register by following the steps described on the ACA membership application form.  Once on the Register as an ACA Member, having accepted the ACA membership terms and conditions, an IACP Accredited Member will become eligible for ACA member status.

(iv) An IACP Accredited Member who is unsuccessful in attaining ACA Accreditation will be subject to a 12 month moratorium [calculated from the date of notification] before making a further application for accreditation. 

(v) An IACP applicant will be required to provide to ACA with evidence of;

  • Current IACP membership of good standing
  • Current IACP accreditation status
  • Certified copies of academic transcripts
  • Due date of IACP accreditation renewal
  • Documented post qualification Supervision history

(vi) Successful IACP applicants will receive an open-ended Certificate of Accreditation, valid with an annual authentication letter which will include the renewal date.  Renewal requirement details are available at

ACA Applicants

(vii) ACA Members who wish to take advantage of this agreement must complete the IACP – ACA Recognition of Accreditation Application Form available on IACP website:

(viii) Having completed the form and accepted IACP terms and conditions, an ACA Member will become eligible for IACP Accredited status.

(ix) An ACA Member who has previously been unsuccessful in attaining IACP Accreditation will be subject to a 12-month moratorium [calculated from the date of notification] before making a further application for accreditation under this agreement. 

(x) An ACA applicant will be required to provide to IACP with evidence of;

 Current ACA membership (Level 3 or Level 4) in good standing

  • Current ACA accredited qualification status
  • Due date of ACA accreditation renewal
  • Proof for a signed supervision contract with the Supervisor who is acceptable to IACP (IACP, BACP, IAHIP accredited)

(xi) Successful ACA applicants will receive an IACP Certificate of Accreditation. Renewal requirement details are available at 

(xii) ACA Accredited Members who wish to take advantage of this agreement must have also successfully completed IACP Garda (Police) Vetting process details can be found at

Information Sharing

ACA will notify IACP of all Members who join ACA through this Agreement for the purposes of statistical monitoring.

IACP will notify ACA of all Accredited Members who join IACP through this Agreement for the purposes of statistical monitoring.

Where a Counsellor/Psychotherapist is granted accreditation or membership on the basis of this Agreement, all the benefits normally associated with each organisations’ membership/accreditation status will be conferred upon the applicant.

A Counsellor/Psychotherapist who takes advantage of this Agreement will be required to ensure that they are working within the applicable Code of Ethics and Practice / Ethical Framework / Scope of Practice and will be subject to the respective organisations Professional Conduct Procedure.

Where a complaint is made against a Counsellor / Psychotherapist, the complaint will be dealt with by the appropriate organisation.

Both organisations will inform the other of membership being withdrawn or regarding any sanctions given to members as outcomes of Complaints Procedures / Fitness to Practice Investigations / Garda (Police) Vetting being unsuccessful, depending on the current legislation of both countries.

This document will be periodically reviewed by both organisations to ensure best practice is applied to the Agreement.

This MoU will be held in standing for a period of 3 years. At the end of such time, both ACA and IACP will review accreditation standards and procedures and renew the MoU as necessary.

This MoU is non-binding and can be terminated at any time, by either party, with four week’s written notice. 

How to apply:

To apply for IACP Accreditation ACA - IACP Recognition of Accreditation Scheme, please complete the form available  for download on the left of this page. Also, please note that you will be required to complete the process of the IACP Garda Vetting to become a member of IACP. To apply for the vetting please contact the IACP Accreditation Department at

For more details on the scheme, please contact the IACP Accreditation Department on 01 230 3536 or


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