Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Inactive Accredited Member

inactive member

Guidelines for Inactive Members

  • This category is open to Accredited Members who have ceased practising (in a paid or voluntary capacity) and are up to date with their annual membership fees.
  • Inactive Membership applications must be received before an applicant’s renewal of accreditation date and cannot be accepted if received when the applicant’s renewal date has already passed.
  • The period of Inactive Membership is valid for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 24 months. Inactive Members will not be listed on the IACP Online Directory.
  • Members can request to return to Active Status at any time between 3 and 24 months of their period of inactivity.
  • At the end of the 24 months an Inactive Member must apply in writing to the IACP to have their status changed to Active. Applications to return to active accredited membership must be accompanied by written confirmation from the supervisor that a contract is in place, a supervision session has been attended and a copy of current Professional Liability Insurance.
  • Inactive Members are not required to undergo monthly supervision or engage in CPD activities for the period of their Inactive membership.
  • Inactive Members must comply with IACP Garda Vetting policy and procedures. If your re-vetting date falls within your Inactive Membership period you must reapply for Garda Vetting as directed to maintain your membership.
  • Applications made for an additional period of Inactive Membership after the initial 24 months may be granted at the discretion of the Accreditation Department / Accreditation Committee and may require 10 CPD points per annum.

Please note:  

  • The cost for inactive membership for Accredited Members is €105 per annum.

  • Inactive Supervisor Membership (inactive both as Accredited Member and as Supervisor) is €147  (€105 + €42) per annum.

  • Inactive Supervisor Membership (inactive as Supervisor only, active as Accredited Member) is €351  (€309 + €42) per annum.

    In the case that a member wishes to go inactive for a period less than 12 months, the cost will be calculated on a pro rata basis. An invoice will be issued to the member with the pro rata amount OR a refund/ credit issued where the annual membership fee has been previously paid.

To return to Active Accredited status Inactive Members must:

  • Set up a contract with an Accredited Supervisor in line with current Supervision criteria and attend at least one session with this supervisor before applying
  • Make an application in writing to the IACP which must be accompanied by written confirmation from your supervisor that a contract is in place
  • Provide a copy of current Professional Liability Insurance
  • Subject to criteria being met, the processing time for an application is approximately two weeks



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