To apply please complete the form available on this page using CAPITAL LETTERS and return to the IACP, First Floor, Marina House, 11-13 Clarence Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
The applicant from one of the above countries must provide the following information:
*BACP Accredited status plus supervisor qualification. These requirements are due to the BACP reconfiguring membership categories (16/10/2023) – if contracting with a BACP Accredited Supervisor, please ensure that the above criteria are met. If you have any queries regarding a pre-existing contract, please contact the IACP).
**IACP shall authorise IAHIP accredited supervisors who are accredited supervisors [operating under European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP) guidelines]
(The applicant must ensure that all the above documents are formally translated into English by a professional translation service)
The outcome of the application for the Recognition of Licensure From Regulated Countries will be dependent on individuals obtaining Garda Vetting or a Police Clearance Certificate if practicing outside of Ireland. To apply for Garda Vetting please contact the Garda Vetting Officer at
Once an application is received an email receipt is sent to the Applicant. Please make sure that the email address is correct on your application and it is an address that you check regularly.
Fully completed applications are assessed by the Accreditation Department and the Accreditation Committee, if necessary.
When approved- a confirmation email and a PDF version of Certificate of Accreditation will be sent to you.
Please note: As of January 2016 a hard copy of certificate of accreditation will be issued only on request.
Any inaccurate or false information or omission of information on an application form shall render that application invalid.
If the application for the Recognition of Licensure From Regulated Countries is unsuccessful- an applicant might still apply for First Time Accreditation under the current criteria.
Application Processing Times
If there are no queries on the application this process will take approximately 10 weeks.
If there is a query on the application, you will be notified by email and the application will be reviewed by the Accreditation Committee. If this happens then it may take longer than 10 weeks to process.
If an application is not complete or additional information is required then the processing time may be longer.
Accredited Members are required to:
See the Renewal of Accreditation page for full details on the requirements for IACP Accredited Members.
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