Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Retired Accredited Membership

retired members

The IACP is introducing a new category of membership - Retired Accredited Member

Requirements for Retired Accredited Members

  • Retired Accredited Membership is open to any current or past IACP Accredited Member who has permanently ceased practising, in a paid or voluntary capacity, as a Counsellor / Psychotherapist. Renewal of accreditation and meeting the requirements for renewal, are therefore not necessary.
  • Applications must be submitted to the IACP office for approval
  • Retired Accredited Members must adhere to the IACP Code of Ethics
  • Retired Accredited Members may refer to themselves as “IACP Retired Accredited Member” only and they may not use the IACP Accredited Member logo or present themselves other than “IACP Retired Accredited Member” on any marketing or promotional materials, including printed and electronic
  • Annual membership fee is €50
  • Retired Accredited Members will not be listed on the IACP Referral Database
  • Retired Accredited Member may not practice as an IACP Counsellor / Psychotherapist

Benefits of Membership

  • Quarterly Journal: The IACP journal  'the Irish Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy' including articles, ‘Notice Board’ and Advertising is sent to members four times a year.
  • E-news: Regular e-mail circular containing information and employment / placement opportunities.
  • IACP Membership Card: The IACP Membership card in conjunction with Countdown Ireland offers IACP members not only official recognition of their IACP membership but also the ability to benefit from a wide range of deals nationwide (effective from June 2015).
  • Reduced rate to attend the IACP Annual Conference: The new annual conference is a great opportunity to meet other members, to hear keynote speakers, attend the Gala Dinner with Carl Berkeley Memorial Award and take part in different Counselling & Psychotherapy workshops.
  • Online IACP Member's Area: Retired members can still access IACP's Members Area and the online CPD portal.
  • Attendance at AGM: The AGM is a good opportunity for you to ensure that you are fully informed of current policies, standards and activities. It is also a great opportunity to network with colleagues and fellow members (retired members cannot vote). 



© Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

| Contact IACP | Therapist Directory Terms | Event Booking Terms | Payment Terms | Company Information IACP, First Floor, Marina House, 11-13 Clarence Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Tel. 00 353 1 2303536


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