Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Complaints Committee Urgently Seeks New Members [26/10/21]

The Complaints Committee is looking for 3 new members to join the committee as soon as possible

Complaints Committee URGENTLY seeking new Members:

The Complaints Committee seeks three new members to join the committee as soon as possible.

The Complaints Committee comprises 6 to 8 IACP Members whom the Board of Directors will appoint. Members are asked to serve for four years and can be re-appointed for a second four-year term.
Applicants for this Committee must be accredited for at least five years with IACP, IAHIP or BACP.
Experience such as supervisor, counselling manager, or experience related to managing complaints will be valued.

The Complaints Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of each month (except August) from 7 pm - 9 pm or 9.30 pm in the IACP Dun Laoghaire office. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, meetings at present remain on Zoom.
Following our experiences of meeting via Zoom, the Complaints Committee will continue to offer members the option of attending some meetings via zoom. This arrangement will be particularly advantageous for members living outside the Dublin area.

There is some committee business to deal with during the month and is conducted using a secure email on the IACP Office 365. Help is available for anyone unfamiliar with this system; it is essential to do committee business through IACP Office 365.
Committee members need to have regular times available during the month to answer emails and liaise with the Complaints Committee Administrator and other committee members to complete tasks and correspondence.

Committee member expenses are reimbursed according to the IACP Committee expenses policy. You will find information in the IACP Volunteer Policy Handbook on the website.
The volunteer application form can be found here.
Please send your application with a brief professional CV and your letter of interest in the Complaints Committee to the Complaints Administrator at

(Christine May, Chair of the Complaints Committee, would be happy to speak to any member interested in joining this committee and answer any questions. To contact her, please email:


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