Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Launch of ‘Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone’ for the period 2020-2030 [18/06/20]

Minister for Health Simon Harris TD and Minister of State for Mental Health Jim Daly have today published ‘Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone’.

‘A Vision for Change’ ended its ten-year-term in 2016 and the mental health landscape in Ireland has changed dramatically since 2006. Sharing the Vision is the successor policy and was agreed by Cabinet two weeks ago.

Minister Harris said:

"Sharing the Vision is our new mental health policy and it is a policy for everyone.

"It focuses on key areas - promotion, prevention and early intervention, service access, coordination and continuity of care, social inclusion and accountability and continuous improvement. “Importantly, Sharing the Vision includes an implementation roadmap. It allocates ownership of recommendations to lead agencies and sets time-bound implementation targets against each recommendation’s actions. This will be key to its delivery."

Minister Daly said: 

"I am delighted to launch “Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone”. It will provide a roadmap for our mental health services over the next ten years and will help us to deal with the increase in demands on our services in new and imaginative ways. I am confident that this policy will change lives for the better."

We are reviewing the new policy and will share our findings with Members shortly. 


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