Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Letter to the Editor Irish Examiner [10/10/22]

IACP CEO Lisa Molloy's letter on in-school counselling.


I read with delight the announcement of the allocation of €5 million for in-school counselling.

There is an urgent need for services to address the mental health issues facing children and young people across Ireland. This pilot scheme is a positive step towards giving our children and young people access to the help they need when they need it.

After many years of advocating for counselling and psychotherapy support for school children, we at the IACP believe the new pilot plan announced by Norma Foley at the Fianna Fáil’s Árdfheis last weekend is a huge step in the right direction for the country.


Lisa Molloy

Chief Executive Officer


Marina House

Clarence Street,

Dun Laoighaire

Co. Dublin


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