Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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The Counsellor by Audrey Farrell [24/05/21]

Audrey Farrell MIACP shares her poem with us as part of our 40th Anniversary Celebrations.

As part of our 40th Anniversary Celebrations, we're inviting content submissions from members. 

Audrey Farrell MIACP shares her poem with us as part of our 40th Anniversary Celebrations.

Just recently accredited, Audrey considers herself to be an Integrative Counsellor. She has worked most recently online for Turn2me and is excited to take up her first ‘proper’ counselling job with Pieta House. Audrey loves writing poetry and has written many poems on all occasions. While she writes serious poetry, humorous poetry is what she is best known for. Drama is another love and Audrey is hoping that she will get many opportunities in counselling to think outside the box and get creative. She also believes in the healing of humour and how self-deprecating humour can play a part in psychological wellbeing (well, so one study says!). One of Audrey’s favourite quotes is “This too shall pass” and she hopes she can be there for clients as they navigate their way out of the darkness and into the light.

The Counsellor.

Empathy, Congruence, Unconditional Positive Regard.
I’ve trained for this, I’m well prepared-I hope it’s not too hard.
I must not over think it-just let the session flow
And just put into practice what I’ve learned and what I know.
Communicate, facilitate and listen, listen, listen.
Stay focused, hear what’s being said and don’t do too much quizzin’!
No judgements, no criticisms just keep an open mind.
Be pleasant, be positive and most of all be kind.
I’m feeling rather nervous, my pulse has upped its rate.
Gotta get myself together-it’s time to meditate.
My client has arrived now my work’s about to start.
I’ll do my very best and give it all my heart.
We talked about the weather and gave out about the rain.
Then the client emphasized that she was troubled-not insane!
And then she took me by surprise when she broke down in floods.
That was rather quick I thought I must be really good!
Her story started to emerge-her troubles tumbled out.
She was getting some relief now of that I have no doubt.
The minutes passed so quickly and we’d gone way over time.
It was hard to end the session while my client was still cryin’.
We ended on a good note my client gave me a big smile
She said she hadn’t felt this good or cried so in a while.
She made a new appointment and offered me a sweet
And then she left my office much lighter on her feet.
I sat in contemplation- a good feeling in my soul
Could I be a part in helping this person become whole?



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