Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

IACP Offer Advice to People Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder [24/10/19]

Winter Bringing You Down? The Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Can Provide Support

Majella Kennedy with Elaine Crowley

Majella Kennedy with Elaine Crowley on the Set of the Elaine Show 

The long nights can resulting lack of sunlight can result in low mood. Counsellors provide tips on how to combat negative feelings brought on by seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D)

At 2am, Sunday 27th October, the clocks will go back an hour. This will mean longer nights, and this coupled with less sunlight and dreary weather can have a negative impact on people’s mental health. This can often be diagnosed as seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D). The IACP would like to offer some advice on getting diagnosed and dealing with S.A.D. S.A.D presents itself as a form of depression that can result in: low mood, irritability, loss of appetites, lack of interest (in pursuits once pleasurable), lack of concentration, insomnia, changes in weight and even suicide ideation. Counsellor and Chair of the IACP Ray Henry says, “The lack of natural light can affect people’s outlook, our members [counsellors/psychotherapists] often see clients who speak of oversleeping, low energy and withdrawing from their social circles”.

The IACP offers the following advice for those who feel they may suffer from S.A.D:

• Talk to your GP help you handle the symptoms.
• Talk to an IACP Member, you can find an IACP member in your area on our website who is trained to help you.
• Take some exercise: It’s very important to stay active during the winter months and catch what available sunlight you can get.

IACP Chair Ray Henry was on the following radio stations to discuss SAD: Tipperary Mid-West Radio, Kildare FM, and Shannonside FM. IACP Member Majella Kennedy appeared on the following media: Tipperary FM, Ireland AM - Virgin Media 1 [VIEW HERE], Cork 96 FM, and the Elaine Show - Virgin Media 1 [VIEW HERE @ 16:00] . 



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