Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Budget 2021 [14/10/20]

IACP Welcomes €50m Allocation for Mental Health in Budget 2021

The Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the largest professional body of counsellors and psychotherapists, welcomes the recent announcement of Budget 2021’s of €12m support to existing mental health services and a further €38M to the expansion of new services. 

Lisa Molloy, Chief Executive of the IACP writes 

“Yesterdays budget announcement is a very welcome step towards creating parity of esteem between physical and mental health. The IACP is keen to work with the Minister for Mental Health and Older People Mary Butler TD in advancing the recommendations in Sharing the Vision, including increasing the range and ease of access to counselling supports and talk therapies in the community. It has been the long held view of the IACP that the Government should ultimately move to the introduction of universal and free access to counselling and psychotherapy for all those who are in need of these supports.”

To learn more about Budget 2021 and what it means for you, please follow this link


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