Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Covid-19 Online Supervision [11/03/20]

Important Note Regarding Online Supervision

Remote/online Supervision is now accepted for Pre-accredited Members who work online (maximum of 50 hours of client work out of 450 can be supervised online) and for Accredited Members and Supervisors who work with clients both face to face and remotely.
IACP Supervisor who supervises remotely/online, must be competent to deliver work remotely and adhere to IACP Criteria for Remote/Online Counselling & Psychotherapy Work, as well as adhere to IACP’s Recommended Approach for Online Counselling and Psychotherapy (link to files: ) and follow the IACP Code of Ethics and Practice.
Competence and training:
Competence includes having alternative ways of providing services if the primary method of communication fails, having access to technological support that ensures the confidentiality of the work and keeping up to date concerning any new developments regarding technology being used in order to provide the safest and most reliable service to clients.
Such competence in providing counselling and psychotherapy services and supervision that use technology require formal training.
Training should cover modules such as:

  • Different means of delivering online therapy and supervision
  • Benefits and risks of online client and supervision work for practitioner and client/supervisor and supervisee
  • Legal & Ethical considerations including Informed Consent, Privacy Policies/GDPR Future Developments and importance of staying up to date with technology. 

It is recommended that online supervision is contracted face-to-face and that there is a blend of face-to-face and online supervision contracted when possible rather than only online/remote supervision, to maintain the benefits of face-to-face contact to build a supervisory relationship. All other current supervision criteria must be met in order to count online supervision.
For anyone interested in online/remote work and/or supervision, introductory course to working online is available on the IACP Online CPD Platform, which can be accessed through IACP Website in the Members’ Area. This can be found by following the link:
Please click on Online CPD, and it will bring you to an area where you can access this training free of charge.
If you have forgotten your login details or password, please contact Member Care on 01 230 35 36 or


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