Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36

Love is Not Just For St. Valentine's Day [14/02/20]

Counsellors remind people that it’s necessary to work on our relationships every day

Every year, a huge emphasis is placed on the commercial aspects of St. Valentine’s Day - the flowers, the chocolates, the expensive gifts to name a few. It’s easy for couples to forget that sometimes it is the actual relationship that might need attention.
Competing demands can create distance in a relationship, “Couples can become complacent, and may think that problems can be remedied by a grand gesture on Valentine’s Day - this is not always the case” IACP Counsellor Anita Furlong says.
“Presenting your loved one with a gift is a lovely thing to do, but it shouldn’t be a means to make-up for neglectful behaviour on the other 364 days of the year”.
Honest and open communication is the bedrock of any relationship.
“Remember to talk openly to your partner about your expectations, concerns and desires” Furlong continues.
To maintain a healthy relationship, the IACP recommends:

  • Keep talking – open and honest communication is key
  • Make time all year round for your relationships – consciously make time to check in with your loved ones
  • Take part in activities mutually enjoyable to both parties.



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