Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Western Regional Award [14/11/23]

14th November 2023

Press Release   

Ríona Browne Awarded Prestigious Western Regional Award   


Honours Commitment to the Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession

Ríona Browne of Crusheen, Co. Clare was honoured with the Western Regional Award by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy at its 8th Annual Conference.

The IACP Regional Awards recognise an IACP accredited member who makes a notable contribution to the profession of counselling and psychotherapy in their local community and region.

Speaking today regarding this year’s Western Award IACP Cathaoirleach Séamus Sheedy pointed out: 

“I would like to congratulate Ríona Browne our Western Regional Award Recipient who I believe was an excellent choice for the Award. I commend her clear vision for this part of Ireland,  and I am aware of the activities Ríona has been involved in across the entire region.

Ríona Browne recognised the need for an IACP voice on the ground in the West of Ireland. Ríona has volunteered as Secretary of the Western Regional Committee and worked diligently to facilitate the members throughout the region as they became involved with the IACP and the Western Regional Committee. This included bringing continuous professional development events to the West and several networking opportunities for counsellors and psychotherapists.

Commenting following the award IACP member Ríona Browne added:

“I am honoured to accept the award from IACP, and I am grateful to the Western Regional Committee for their nomination. The Committee is comprised of a committed group of people who bring support to counsellors and psychotherapists and who work on raising the profile of the IACP in the region. It has been a privilege to have contributed to this work.”

The annual awards ceremony was held at the IACP’s 8th annual conference on the 21st October 2023 at the Royal Marine Hotel in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

Carl Berkeley Memorial Award: Christine May

Public Inspiration Award: Dr Tony Bates

IACP Research Excellence Award:  Ashley Morgan

Research Bursary Award: Karen Doyle

Regional Award Recipients: 
Dublin Regional Award: Aoife Smith

Midlands Regional Award: Christine Early Moran

Northern Ireland Regional Award: Dr Breda Friel

Southeast Regional Award: Pauline Macey

Southern Regional Award: Marie O’Mahony

West North West Regional Award: Brian Conlon

Western Regional Award: Ríona Browne


For further information or to arrange an interview please contact the IACP Communications Department at Nicole Mac Dermott - 087 720 6033 or Wayne Tobin.

Notes to the Editor: 

About the IACP: The IACP was established in 1981 to identify, develop and maintain professional standards of excellence in counselling and psychotherapy. Our work promotes best practice and the development of the profession. The IACP represents more than 5,600 members based in communities all over the country and is the largest counselling and psychotherapy association in Ireland. For more information, please visit

IACP Regional Award Policy:



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