Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Southern Regional Award [01/11/23]

1st November 2023

Press Release  

Marie O’Mahony MIACP Awarded Prestigious Southern Regional Award

Award Celebrates Outstanding Contributions to the Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession

 Marie O’Mahony of Ballygarvan Co. Cork was honoured with the Southern Regional Award at the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy 8th Annual Conference over the weekend.

 The IACP Regional Awards recognise an IACP accredited member who makes a notable contribution to the profession of counselling and psychotherapy in their local community and region.

 Speaking today regarding this year’s awards IACP Cathaoirleach Séamus Sheedy stated:

 “I would like to congratulate Marie O’Mahony our Southern Regional Award honouree for her work with several organisations such as the Cork ARC Cancer Support House, and the CRANN Centre. Marie’s many contributions are highly commendable and I am delighted she has been recognised at the national level.”

Commenting following the award IACP member Marie O’Mahony noted:

“I am very grateful to the Southern Regional Committee for nominating me for this award. It is a privilege to work here in Cork as a counsellor, psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher with Cork ARC Cancer Support House; LINC, Advocating for Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Ireland; the CRANN Centre; and Mahon Family Resource Centre. It was an honour to volunteer with the IACP SRC and be a part of the valuable and rewarding work carried out by them. It has proved to be the source of many wonderful friendships over the years. Thank you to all on the committee and to the IACP staff for all their support."

 The annual awards ceremony was held at the IACP’s 8th annual conference on the 21st October 2023 at the Royal Marine Hotel in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

Carl Berkeley Memorial Award: Christine May  

Public Inspiration Award: Dr Tony Bates  
IACP Research Excellence Award:  Ashley Morgan  

Research Bursary Award: Karen Doyle  

Regional Award Recipients:   

Dublin Regional Award: Aoife Smith  

Midlands Regional Award: Christine Earley Moran  

Northern Ireland Regional Award: Dr Breda Friel  

Southeast Regional Award: Pauline Macey  

Southern Regional Award: Marie O’Mahony  

West North West Regional Award: Brian Conlon  

Western Regional Award: Riona Browne  



For further information or to arrange an interview please contact the IACP Communications Department at   

Nicole Mac Dermott - 087 720 6033 or Wayne Tobin.

Pictured Southern Regional Committee and Marie O’Mahony,

Notes to the Editor:   

About the IACP: The IACP was established in 1981 to identify, develop and maintain professional standards of excellence in counselling and psychotherapy. Our work promotes best practice and the development of the profession. The IACP represents more than 5,600 members based in communities all over the country and is the largest counselling and psychotherapy association in Ireland. For more information, please visit  

 IACP Regional Award Policy  


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