Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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IACP Meet with Senator Annie Hoey [03/03/21]

IACP Chair Bernie Hackett, CEO Lisa Molloy and Communications Officer Hugh O'Donoghue met with Senator Annie Hoey

Bernie Hackett, Lisa Molloy, and Hugh O’Donoghue with Senator Annie Hoey on 3rd March. Senator Hoey is a member of the Agricultural panel of Seanad Eireann and was elected in the Seanad elections 2020. Senator Hoey is a life-long political activist for social justice and equality and a former President of the Union of Students in Ireland. Much like Deputies Ward and Lahart, she serves on the Mental Health Subcommittee.

It was a real pleasure for us to speak with Senator Hoey and learn about her experiences in the Seanad, and also share with her the work that IACP is doing to promote counselling and psychotherapy in Ireland. We look forward to future engagements with the Senator. 


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