Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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James O’Connor wins Public Inspiration Award [25/10/22]

IACP Honours James O’Connor With Prestigious Public Inspiration Award

Award Recognises An Individual Who Campaigns For Greater Access To Counselling and Psychotherapy

The Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) has honoured James O’Connor of Tullamore with the 2022 Public Inspiration Award for his advocacy for increased access to mental health services for all.

An Ambassador for See Change since 2015, James campaigns for greater access to counselling and psychotherapy. He speaks publicly about the benefits and value of counselling and psychotherapy and draws attention to the positive work of IACP members. Along with his partner Lisa Guing, Mr O’ Connor also established Accessible Counselling Tullamore (ACT).

Speaking today regarding this year’s awards, IACP Chief Executive Officer Lisa Molloy stated: 

“I would like to congratulate James O’Connor, our Public Inspiration Award recipient. The Public Inspiration Award Panel were extremely impressed with how James innovatively campaigns to encourage people to talk more openly about mental health through online blogs. James is also a See Change Ambassador and has been promoting the Green Ribbon Campaign since 2015. He is a very worthy recipient of the IACP Public Inspiration Award.”

Commenting following the award James O’Connor noted:

“I really am shocked and humbled to receive this award. It means a lot to be recognised by the IACP and its members. Seven years ago, I shared my story of my own struggles with mental health and the response from people was overwhelming. Soon after I became an Ambassador for See Change and during the course of my role with them it became clear to me that lots of people were not in a position to access counselling / psychotherapy for a variety of reasons – cost, long waiting lists, disability access, and perceived stigma.”

The Public Inspiration Award Winner 2022 James O’Connor continued:

“I am a firm believer that everyone should be able to avail of counselling and myself and my partner Lisa Guing. spent 18 months preparing to open Accessible Counselling Tullamore (ACT). I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with people better than you and immediately recruited Seamus Sheedy as Clinical Director and Dympna Summerville as Co-ordinator. We could not have done any of this without the help and guidance of Josephine Rigney (Suicide prevention officer for Laois / Offaly).”

Mr. O’Connor concluded:

“I am very rigid by nature and like things done right and this is evident to everyone that visits ACT. The centre is purpose built, with seven counselling rooms, a board room, canteen and counsellor space. We currently have 10 amazing volunteer counsellor / psychotherapists who are all accredited or working towards accreditation with the IACP. ACT offers accessible, affordable and timely counselling to people over 16 from all across the Midlands and has 1276 clients and provided almost 7,000 counselling hours since opening in January 2020. There is no I in team and so I would like to share this award with the wonderful team at ACT, who are the ones who really do all the hard work.”

The awards ceremony was at the IACP 7th annual conference held on the 15th of October 2022 at the Galway Bay Hotel.

IACP Regional Award Winners

Maureen Levy, Dublin Regional Award
Séamus Sheedy, Midlands Regional Award
Tom Meade, Southern Regional Award
William Egan, Southeast Regional Award
Linda Breathnach, North East Regional Award
Kate Bree, West/North West Regional Award
Eamon Fortune, Western Regional Award 

Liam Cannon, Northern Ireland Regional Award Winner

Carl Berkeley Memorial Award 

Liam Cannon 
IACP Research Excellence Award Winner

Neil O’Connor



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