Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Trust in You by Fidelma Fitzgerald [15/04/21]

As part of our 40th Anniversary Celebrations we're inviting content submissions from members. Fidelma Fitzgerald shares her work Trust in You.

As part of our 40th Anniversary celebrations, we invited IACP members to submit art content including poetry, photography, or short video clips, e.g. wishing IACP a Happy Birthday or expressing what the IACP means to them. Our first submission is from Fidelma Fitzgerald a Student Member. 

Fidelma Fitzgerald

Having travelled a lot of Europe, London and the USA, Fidelma returned home to Kerry, for the first time since completing her Leaving Certificate in 1998 after much-lived experiences.

A woman of many talents, Fidelma is a Painter and decorator, Colour Coordinator, Commissioned Published Writer and successful Playwright. She is the  Founder of The Philomena Dramatics a theatre group in her native Kerry. Now moving into and towards another lived life as a therapist. A Pre Accredited Member of the ACI and finalising her full accreditation with the IACP.  She is about to Graduate With a BA Hons Degree from  MTU Kerry. Having successfully grown spiritually from Darkness into Light will continue writing and playwright and establish her own practice in counselling and psychotherapy. In her spare time, Fidelma enjoys sea swimming. 


by Fidelma Fitzgerald  Student Member IACP 

Therapist such as Virginia Satir, Murray Bowen and Babette Rothschild supported my personal growth in Trust. A powerful Virtue to apply to oneself. The absence of trust had long wailed inside of me, I could not trust anyone least of all myself. This attitude in turn led to doubt the words and actions of others. Ultimately leading to all sorts of isolation which brought about all sorts of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual sickness. The observations, study, and research of the above therapists mentioned allowed me to be educated in generational behaviours and the continuation of them from family to family. Additional to this persons and families losing all track of time for years and years. However, the body held much information about the self. Never having witnessed what it is like to be homeless, yet having much homelessness going on inside. Finding it impossible to live with me. The ultimate truth was about to be exposed that no person was to blame. Many factors contributed; society had its ignorance alongside the generations passed. Still, Forgiveness of self and others set me free to write this piece today to you. A gift to do so, one of many gifts received when I decided to make a decision. Therapy for a 12-month period week after week after week woke me out of a generational coma, that introduced me to how I had been living because of my thinking and feeling this being the result of unchanged patterns of lifetimes past. Waking up for any person is a painful experience. This is a truth a very real one, one that needed recognition throughout the therapy process. Being held by a trusting other who could show that the road is going to be wobbly and uncomfortable heavily tearful and heart-breaking. The guidance and healthy direction given had enforced the belief in a new eyesight, externally and more importantly internally. Addiction, sexual identity, suicidal idealisation, abuse, fear, and isolation had all been met with sweat and tears. Having a trusted counsellor who journeyed side by side where sometimes all that needed attention was the power of silence between 2 people, yet much had been spoken in that connection. A heart cracked wide open, and a beautiful person and spirit had been set free. The Very same person today is about to graduate in a BA HONS DEGREE in counselling and psychotherapy. The IACP has given me this opportunity to say THANK YOU to this organisation for saving lives and setting people free. To counsel someone is to console, hold, join, say hello and goodbye, to alleviate psychological despair is to remind everyone everywhere, that yes absolutely yes, IT IS OK NOT TO BE OK. May God and the energy of the universal law bound by love add another 40 years to the IRISH ASSOCIATION FOR COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY. To quote (O Farrell 2014) “Despite the many changes in the counselling field, and in my own life over the years, I am still sustained by the belief that God is taking care of my clients and myself” We see miracles happen. I am one.

If you'd like to submit your work for publication, please contact 


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